If your facility meets the definition of a renewable energy facility whose output can be used to comply with NC’s renewable energy portfolio standard, you should apply to register the facility with the Commission. (See NC General Statutes 62- 133.8.) The Commission’s Rules R8-66 explain the filing requirements. The rules can be found at the Commission’s web site via this link:
After you make the submittal, the Commission will assign it a docket number. The Public Staff of the Commission will review the filing and forward the Commission a recommendation within 10 business days. You can discuss with the Public Staff’s review by contacting them at 919-733-2267 or have any additional questions. NC-RETS does not have control over the decisions of these dockets.
Finally, the Commission will issue a final order either approving or rejecting the application. To check the docket, please go to this website and enter in your docket number. It should be in the format of SP-XXXX Sub X. If you see an order like below your project has been accepted by NCUC.
Once a facility has an order approving registration with the Commission, the facility owner can contact NC-RETS to approve the facility in NC-RETS and certificate creation will begin once meter data has been uploaded.