To register a new NC-RETS project, user will take the following steps:
1. In the account dashboard, locate the Asset Management module.
2. Under the Asset Management module, Select the Register New Project hyperlink as pictured below:
3. On Page 1 of a 3-page registration process, fill out all the information with an asterisk (it is required information that needs to be filled out in order) Select the [Next] button and then go to the next page.(see the screenshot of Page 1 below)
Note: The NC Docket # is provided to you with the commission when you apply for certification. Please contact the commission if you are unable to locate your docket number. Here is a link to the NC Docket database:
Note: You can select the “Save” button to save entered data and return at a later time to finish the registration.
4. In the second page of project registration, the account holder provides details about the Facility Operator, Reporting Entity, and Metering Information. All fields with an asterisk must be filled out in order to proceed to the next page.
Note: Account holder must fill out reporting entity and entity ID. Reporting entity ID is providing by the your reporting entity not by NC-RETs. Please reach out to them for more details.
5. Select the [Next] button to move to the final page of Generator/Project Registration.
Note: If needed, you can select on the [Back] button to return to the previous registration page.
6. The final page of the New Generator/Project Registration is about certificate eligibility. Review/Update information and Select [Submit for Approval].
a. North Carolina Eligibility Defaults to “Yes”
b New Renewable Eligible Date should be set according to the docket filing (Generally matches Commercial Operating Date)
c. Green-e and Lower Impact Hydro (LIHI) are optional fields
8. The Project Registration will now be sent to the Registry Administrator, and an email notification will be sent to the email address of the Account Manager.
Note: An NC-RETS Generator ID will be created once the project registration is submitted. Any user can view the NC-RETS ID by going back to the Asset Management module. All NC-RETS generator ID start with this acronym GEN follow by a set of numbers. For example, GEN1245 would be a typical format generator ID. Projects will be in a ‘Pending’ status until the Registry Administrator reviews and approves the project registration.