When Generation Data is loaded for a project by a Qualified Independent Party, the data can be reviewed, Accepted or Disputed for 14 days after it is loaded. Loaded Data can be reviewed from the Asset Management Module's Review Data/Self-Report column. The date displayed in this column is the last vintage loaded.
The Self-Reporting/Facility/Project Output Data Review screen will display all generation reported for the project. The Period Data status in the left-hand column displays the status of all loaded current period generation. Selecting the Period Data Status hyperlink will allow you to Accept or Dispute generation data.
Disputing Data will block the Certificate issuance process until the data is reloaded by the QRE. Once Data is Disputed, the Account Holder should work with their QRE to reload the appropriate data.
Adjustments will be displayed in the Adjustment New Status column.
Loaded Generation will be in one of the following statuses:
Certificate Created - Generation used for certificate issuance
NC-RETS Accepted - Generation Loaded ready for certificate issuance. If data is not accepted within 14 days, Certificates will be issued automatically on day 15
NC-RETS Pending - Generation Data either Failed Engineering Feasibility that requires administrator review (see more about Feasibility Failure review) or Multi-Fuel project that requires fuel allocations to be reported by the Account Holder
Account Holder/Admin Accepted - Self Reported generation accepted by the account holder will be issued the day after being marked in Account Holder Accepted status
Account Holder/Admin Disputed - Generation Data in a disputed status will not contribute to certificate issuance
Generation in Disputed status must be resolved prior to the annual settlement date (June 30th of next year)
Data set to NC-RETS Pending due to multi-fuel allocations not being entered will issue Certificates at the annual Settlement date using the primary fuel type. The Account Holder can log in to the data review screen of a multi-fuel project with pending data by accessing the Review Data/ Self Report column located in the Project Management Module. Select the NCRETS Pending Status hyperlink to review the reported data and enter the allocation (percentage) of the fuels used during the month.
Note: If there is missing generation data, please reach out to your QRE for assistance.